Names for tefillah – Kvitelach

Sending names for tefillah

Do you want a yeshuah, but you are unable to get to the holy tziyun, the source of the yeshuos? You can write the names and requests here, and your name will be said by those praying during the daily tefillah (prayer).

The names and other details are kept confidential!

Sending a kvittel (note) to the holy tziyun

You can complete a kvittel here with the names which need blessing and success, yeshuah and cure from sickness. The kvittel will, G-d willing, be printed out and placed on the holy tziyun – the source of yeshuos!

The names and other details are kept confidential!

A shaliach to the holy Defender in emergencies

Is there an emergency? Do you want to rush a messenger to the holy tziyun to pray for you at the holy Defender? Fill in your details here and the holy Berditchev kehillah will hurry an urgent messenger to the holy tziyun to make requests for you and receive the yeshuah your require!

The names and other details are kept confidential!

The zechus (merit) of being a partner

Your zechus to be a partner in the holy activities